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About Us

The YOOF platform is a safe digital space for children and young people to view peer to peer programme content across the Cheshire & Warrington region.

The YOOF platform offers safeguarding signposting with contact details for any young person suffering from isolation or mental health challenges.

The platform allows organisations to share their events to all YOOF users and offers an invitation opportunity to join either a digital or in person event.

The advantage for a child or young person to join

A safe enviroment where users can share without comments on content or directly messaging. Access to peer to peer age relatable activities that young people can try themselves. An exciting chance to share what children and young people do in their organisation.

The advantage to join for an Organisation

Share your young peoples work outside of your current organisations audience. Joining YOOF allows you to challenge your current digital footprint by creating new content for your own audience and other users across Cheshire. Bring digital output to enhance the corriculum.